

Semi-Universal Ladle Brick

Aug 17, 2021, 19:29 PM by Trevor Hileman

Semi-universal ladle brick is designed to give steel producers a double advantage: (1) longer ladle refractory life, and (2) more economical lining installation. The semi-universals are available in three general series (sizes); the 30 series for ladles of approximately 6'-9’ in diameter; the 45 series for ladles approximately 9'-12’ in diameter; the 60 series for ladles 12’ and larger in diameters.

Tilt Course: Semi-universal brick are installed beginning with a base “tilt” course. The “tilt” course is designed so that its top is perpendicular to the sloping ladle shell. Thus, subsequent brick courses lie flat against the ladle sides and form a smooth working lining surface. 

Starter Sets: Above the tilt course, semi-universal brick are laid in spiraling courses with the spiral pattern established by tapered “starter sets.” One, two, or more starter sets are used, followed by the semi-universal brick. Half brick are used as needed to break joints. The resulting spiral pattern eliminates the need to key in each course. Note that semi-universal ladle brick end surfaces are convex and concave. This produces “male/female” type joint for accurate fitting of brick to ladle contours.

Resco Products provides a large variety of semi-universal ladel brick.  Including high alumina burned brick, Rescal 70D and Seneca 80XD.  For resin AMG brick Resco offers Ladlemax AMG 90Ladlemax AMG HP SL and more.  If conditions require resin mag-carbon refractory Resco offers Maxline 10NFYNuline Max 10, and others.

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